National Certificate: Occupationally Directed Education Training and Development Practices
Number 50334. Accredited.
Click on the question you want answered:- Why train with Execoach?
- Why train as an ETD/OD Practitioner?
- Who would benefit from this qualification?
- Which industries use ETD/OD Practitioners?
- See a link for job information
- See the process of Qualifying as an ETD/OD Practitioner:
- When is the next ETD/OD course?
- How long does it take to qualify?
- What pre-requisites are there to enter this programme?
- What does it cost?
- Details about the content covered in Qualification:
- How does the qualification compare internationally?
Why train with Execoach?
- At Execoach our main focus is you, the learner, and your success.
- The courses are written in plain English and are straightforward to follow.
- Portfolios for qualifying are signposted with clear, step by step instructions.
- Zoom and classroom sessions are interactive and stimulating. • Marking your assignments and sending feedback have quick turnaround times.
- We are in our 22nd year of serving learners.
- Execoach uses a soft and delicate touch to make your learning a joy.
Why train with Execoach?
- At Execoach our main focus is you, the learner, and your success.
- The courses are written in plain English and are straightforward to follow.
- Portfolios for qualifying are signposted with clear, step by step instructions.
- Zoom and classroom sessions are interactive and stimulating. • Marking your assignments and sending feedback have quick turnaround times.
- We are in our 22nd year of serving learners.
- Execoach uses a soft and delicate touch to make your learning a joy.
Which industries use ETD/OD Practitioners?
• Agriculture, Banking, Call Centres, Construction, Hospitality, Energy, Education, Finance, Food and Bev, Insurance, Manufacturing, Health, , Local Government, Media, Mining, Public Service, Safety, Transport, Wholesale and Retail, etc. all need the specialist services of ETD/OD specialists.
See the link for job information:
The Process of Qualifying as an ETD/OD Practitioner:
1. Book yourself onto a course
2. Complete all steps which are clearly laid out
3. Attend Zoom and live classroom workshops
4. Ask questions, obtain assistance any time
5. Submit your completed work
6. If anything is outstanding, remedial details will be pointed out to you.
7. Get your accredited ETD/OD Practitioner Certificate
8. Operate in this field in practical and strategic roles
When is the next ETD/OD course?
Your starting time depends on you! Kindly send your enquiry and get up to the minute information.
How long does it take to qualify?
About one year to complete the qualification.
What pre-requisites are there to enter this programme?
Access is open.
Unit standards in the qualification list their own requirements.
These are not meant to prevent access. By doing modules in the correct order, access is facilitated, E.G. To do Moderator, one needs to do Assessor first. Assessor is part of the qualification. If you are completing 50334 to be able to teach a subject, you need to be qualified in that subject.
What does it cost?
Kindly send your enquiry to for a quotation.
Details about the Qualification:
What will you be able to do after completing this module?
- Listen well and speak well
- Evaluate what was spoken and presented
- Adapt your own communication to what is needed
- Write suitably for different audiences
- Write, edit, and present information
- Assemble key parts needed for good verbal and written communication
Which unit standards are completed during this module?
115789 – Sustain oral interaction across a wide range of contexts and critically evaluate spoken texts
115790 – Write and present for a wide range of purposes, audiences, and contexts
110506 – Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of the basic components and fundamental skills of effective communication
What will you be able to do after completing this module?
- Complete a skills-gap-audit and write a report about your findings
- Write and design learning materials
- Write instruction manuals for facilitators
- Do test runs of new learning material
- Establish learning needs in an organisation and propose solutions
- Evaluate and select service providers for training products and services
Which unit standards are completed during this module?
123396 – Define target audience profiles and skills gaps
123394 – Develop outcomes-based learning programmes
123400 – Evaluate and promote education training and development (ETD) providers, services, and products for organisational use
What will you be able to do after completing this module?
- Plan and prepare training events
- Deliver training
- Evaluate and review training events
- Answer questions about Outcomes Based Education (OBE)
- Answer questions about the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)
- Answer questions about Unit Standards and Qualifications
Which unit standards are completed during this module?
117871 – Facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies
123397 – Evaluate a learning intervention using given evaluation instruments
263976 – Demonstrate understanding of the outcomes-based education and training approach within the context of a National Qualifications Framework
What will you be able to do after completing this module?
- Answer questions relating to Outcomes Based Assessments and Moderation
- Design tests and assessments activities
- Write assessment guide books
- Assess people and give them feedback
- Review assessments and moderations with the view to improve them
- Plan and carry out moderation activities
- Advise and support assessors
- Administrate assessments and moderations in organisations
Which unit standards are completed during this module?
115753 – Conduct outcomes-based assessment
115755 – Design and develop outcomes-based assessments
115759 – Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments
What will you be able to do after completing this module?
- Identify and analyse learner needs
- Write development plans for learners
- Find information to help, guide and support learners
- Look back to evaluate how learners are progressing
- Keep records about learners and their progress
Which unit standards are completed during this module?
117865 – Assist and support learners to manage their learning experiences
117874 – Guide learners about their learning, assessment, and recognition opportunities
What will you be able to do after completing this module?
- Answer questions about legislation which directs training in South Africa
- Promote training and development
- Find out what the skills gaps are in organisations
- Work training priorities for organisations
- Write up a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP)
- Answer questions about accreditation and recognition of learning
- Draw graphs which track learning
- Evaluate products and services on offer
Which unit standards are completed during this module?
15221 – Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues
15217 – Develop an organisational training and development plan
15218 – Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other purposes
123400 – Evaluate and promote education training and development (ETD) providers, services and products for organisational use
How does the qualification compare internationally?
Similar qualifications from United Kingdom, United States of America, Australia, New Zealand and Singapore were compared.
These are the findings relating to each country:
United Kingdom: 50334 matches very closely in terms of:
- Qualification
- Purpose,
- Structure
- Outcomes with the Master Professional Diploma of City and Guilds NVQ Level 5.
United States of America: The Six listed Modules of 50334 match very closely to:
- The American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) Training Certificate Programme. The outcomes are comparable throughout.
Australia: 50334 has a close match with:
- Southern Cross University Graduate Diploma of Vocational Education and Training.
New Zealand: 50334 matches the following:
- Christchurch College of Education: Certificate in Adult Teaching
- Certain key modules of the Victoria University of Wellington Diploma in Education and Professional Development
- NZQA National Certificate in Adult Education and Training (Level 4).
Singapore: 50334 matches very closely in terms of:
- Purpose,
- Outcomes
- Design
- Facilitation
with the Singapore’s TDA Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment.