
As accredited training providers, we offer you the best possible service

Training Courses

As accredited training providers, we offer you the best possible service characterised by:

  • Getting your certificate without delay when making use of our easy to use start-to-finish Portfolio of Evidence kit
  • Small groups
  • Personal attention
  • High level interaction
  • Frequent presentation of courses
  • Convenient dates
  • Convenient venues
  • Quick marking
  • Quick results
  • Guidance
  • Telephonic advice
  • Hot-line to facilitators for advice and support with questions or PoE matters


Establish a performance culture in your environment by equipping people with the wonderful life-skill of coaching. Harvest potential and greatness in your organization by giving your key people the skill of coaching. Then watch how a culture of growth, new performance levels and continuous learning sweeps over your organization. For your own personal development, consider executive coaching. Coaching is an essential skill for:
  • Anybody in leadership
  • Any person with skills to impart
  • Supervisors
  • People earmarked for future promotion
Being able to coach could be one of the most empowering skills anybody could learn.

Executive Coaching

Let one of our skilled Executive Coaches partner anyone in your organization who needs to achieve more professionally, inter-relationally, socially, intellectually, or even physically. It’s surprising how often senior people in an organization benefit by spending time with an Executive Coach who will give them objective feedback on how they are doing. Helpful behaviors are recognized and reinforced. Development areas are discussed openly and ways forward are jointly agreed upon.

It is almost predictable that people, who engage an Executive Coach, forge ahead professionally, personally, and even physically.

Course Writing

Training courses designed for your needs.

Do you have any one of the following needs?

  • To improve people’s performance
  • To transfer your technical head knowledge into easy to understand course materials
  • To help people develop a skill in a specific area
  • To implement items on your Workplace Skills Plan
  • To align your existing learning materials, or create new materials to Unit Standards
  • Maybe you have seen some training courses but none have matched your specific need

How we can help you

Experienced facilitators and consultants will gladly discuss your needs and ideas with you and help you find the best information and solutions. Why not briefly fill in this easy “information request form.” Click “submit request” and we will respond with urgency.

We will show you the essential procedures needed to design and develop learning materials for SETA/ETQA Programme approval / accreditation. You could soon be paging through your own manuals and imparting essential skills in a easier way than you imagined.


Coaching and Mentoring training instills two distinct skills which are indispensable to the long term survival of any organization.

Imagine you could live forever. Imagine if all your experience; mistakes, lessons learned and discoveries could be grasped in the fraction of the time it took for you. Imagine starting your first job ever, with many years of experience behind you.

Imagine a company that could infinitely build on an ever-growing base of knowledge and expertise.

Experience mentoring at work…

We assist organizations to implement mentoring programmes that enable your skilled experts to share their knowledge and know-how with others.

Our model focuses on the relationship between the mentor and the protégé (person being mentored). They then enter a mentoring partnership that benefits both parties and the organization for many years.

Contact us if you are considering implementing mentorship programmes in your organization.

Free Resources [ click here ]

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