Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) Training Courses

SDF Training

Qualifying as a SDF (Skills Development Facilitator)

What do SDF’s do?

SDF’s work out what the training gaps are in an organisation’s workforce. They then draw up training plans to address those gaps. They consult and advise on all aspects of people development. They interact with appropriate authorities (Seta’s) and claim back cash (grants) for training.

Is there work for Skills Development Facilitators (SDF’s)?

Yes, plenty. But you have got to go and find it. Thousands of organisations do not know how seriously they need the services of a qualified SDF. Clients you approach could benefit greatly by your services. Once a relationship with a client has been established, it could last a lifetime since the work of a SDF is needed every year.

I love my work. I interact with training committees, individuals, management, accounts, and Seta’s.

The Accredited SDF Course:

Title: Develop an organisational training and development plan

ID: 15217

NQF level: 5

Credits: 6, also

Title: Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other purposes

ID: 15218

NQF level: 6

Credits: 4


Many businesses pay their Skills Development Levies as the law requires. They invest time and money to develop their workforces and yet, don’t know how to claim back the cash portion for their efforts.

What to do:

Firstly, train up a willing person to become a certified Skills Development Facilitator.

Graduates from our certified three day Skills Development Facilitator Course / SDF Course will be competent at:

1. Answering basic questions relating to the Skills Development Levies Act of 1999.
2. Answering basic questions relating to the Skills Development Act of 1998.
3. Rebutting a number of misconceptions relating to Outcomes Based Education
4. Answering a range of questions relating to Learnerships
5. Describing a range of ways of facilitating group processes
6. Gathering, analysing and recording data of an organisation’s strategy and present skills levels
7. Determining the a skills gap when given a strategic plan and the profile of the present skills levels of a workforce
8. Using the term “outcomes” appropriately
9. Prioritising Training needs in terms of race, gender, policy and legislation and available resources
10. Describing a range of mechanisms suitable for training and developing people
11. Compiling and submitting Workplace skills plan (WSP)
12. Compiling and submitting an Annual Training Report (ATR)
13. Functioning as a Freelance Workplace skills Development Facilitator:

  • Approaching prospective clients to offer your services
  • Presenting a case to convince employers to carry out a skills audit
  • Working co operatively with a skills development committee
  • Harmonising with workplace Employment Equity Committees
  • Exploring ways of charging clients for your services as a SDF

14. Completing a Portfolio of Evidence to qualify against the Unit Standard 15217

Qualifying as an Skills Development Facilitator (SDF):

Why not call or e-mail us to enquire about our Start to Finish Kit that will help you complete your SDF certification quickly and easily?

Following our successful Assessor, Facilitator and Moderator courses, Execoach has taken the SDF role and demystified it and turned it into an engaging and enjoyable learning experience. We would love to work with you at our next workshop.

Skycoach Distance Learning Option:


Find out more about the SkyCoach way of becoming a fully accredited ( Assessor/Moderator/SDF). It is a friendly, interactive way of completing the same learning from where you are.

People have found the following helpful:

  • Small groups with lots of individualised attention for each delegate
  • Friendly, helpful facilitators who are passionate about people and their work
  • Access to Execoach’s facilitators for any assistance afterwards
  • Quick marking of Portfolios
  • Quick registration of graduates with ETDP Seta
  • Quick issuing of certificates

Purpose: To become a Skills Development Facilitator

Career opportunity:

Become a freelance Skills Development Facilitator for as many organisations as you can manage. Facilitate the learning that the Skills Development plan may require yourself, or arrange to outsource the learning to suitable service providers.

What our delegates have said:

  • Inspiring
  • Encouraging
  • Energising
  • Excellent facilitators
  • It was a pleasure to attend
  • This has opened a whole new world to me
  • Enriching
  • Empowering
  • Understandable
  • Well presented, clear and practical
  • Love the Start to Finnish Kit
  • Educationally different!


Hi Brian

Just to let you know, I got the job, so I’m working as a SDF (Skills Development Facilitator) and I am LOVING it…
As you can imagine, I am a bit swamped at the moment…

Thanks and regards
082 813 2454

This course has been a revelation to my work; I can’t believe it. I initially didn’t think I will be able to play around terms, master the course details and create a WSP and ATR. (Workplace Skills Plan and Annual Training Report) Thanks again to you and the Execoach team

Best regards
Lawrence (Treatment Action Campaign)
073 315 9728

Thank you Brian and Ashley!

The SDF Training was very insightful and relevant.

The training package was well researched and compiled. It is user friendly and the learning experience is enjoyable.

Your quick response in marking my assignments and the ETDP Registration and Certification was remarkable – all done in just one day!

I now understand the important link between Employment Equity and Skills Development.

The SDF training is real value for money.

Again a BIG thank you for equipping me with the knowledge and confidence to work as an Independent SDF.

Kindest Regards
Jonieta Visser
CEO: EE Consult
Cell: 072 409 1313

Thank you very much to the Execoach team, you guys rock, couldn’t have done it without your unadulterated assistance and service excellence.
I am super excited and can’t wait to start practicing as an SDF. Udo Osuigwe

Skills Development Facilitator Training

This course is accredited and endorsed by the ETDP Seta. ( Education, Training and Development Practices Sector Education and Training Authority) Delegates meeting the requirements for this course earn credits towards a National Qualification. You many qualify for recognition of your prior learning (RPL).

Would I be a good Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)?

  • Do you like working with people across a wide spectrum?
  • Are you organised and methodical?
  • Can you cope with high administrative demands?
  • Can you work to and meet deadlines?
  • Are you ok in Excel?
  • Can you stand up for yourself?
  • Do you like working unsupervised?
  • Are you open to keep learning new things daily?
  • Can you remain patient when working with authorities who appear slow?

Not a very scientific questionnaire, but a few” yes” answers will suggest you can consider being an SDF.

Do Skills Development Facilitators (SDF’s) get paid a lot?

SDF’s agree upon a fee structure with their clients. SDF’s who have many clients or large clients can ensure themselves of a good, regular income.

SDF’s help decide on all the training that an organisation will do.  This positions them well to present some of the training themselves and charge for it if it falls within their area of expertise.

How can I get started as a Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)?

The first step is to qualify yourself as an SDF. You can do this by distance learning or you can attend a course. Both work equally well.

The Execoach training course takes you through a helpful chapter called:  How to market your services as an SDF.

Please submit your enquiry.

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